Ready Player One, Ready Entrepreneur One

Tye Sheridan portraying the main character of Ready Player One.

The world is changing. We live and work in the digital age.  Everything that we do is based on the reality that we are globally connected via technology, at all times.  But what if all of that technological potential were really just an escape from reality, instead of something that helped to enhance it? This […]

Why Every Entrepreneur is a Skydiver

AJ Kumar's safely plummeting to earth via parachute.

I was out having a nice dinner with some friends while in San Francisco a couple weeks ago. It was a much needed reprieve from the daily grind. I felt like I was turning into Bill Murray in the movie Groundhog Day, and needed a change of pace for a few days. Recently, I’d also […]

Can You Really Make Money Blogging About Food?

Can You Really Make Money Blogging About Food?

Food blogging is one of the best ways to make money online, while leveraging something you are passionate about. Whenever you are able to leverage your passions you can create a brand that is aligned with your highest calling. You know that feeling when you don’t feel fulfilled in your day job and all you […]

How to Value Your Attention as an Entrepreneur

How to Value your attention as an entrepreneur.

“The effect you have on others is the most valuable currency you have.” Jim Carey Attention is time, and time is currency.  And I would even argue that attention is the new currency. Why? Because we must use our time and attention to make money. The better you are at utilizing your attention, the more […]

Branding The Moment: 7 Steps to Creating A Brand That Won’t Be Forgotten

Branding The Moment: 7 Steps to Creating A Brand That Won’t Be Forgotten

Every great brand attempts to capture it’s own essence, or what I call it’s uniqueness. You probably know what I’m talking about, that one aspect that makes a brand stand out, and perform better than anyone else in the market. But it goes beyond just creating a brand identity for marketability. Brands are actually competing […]